Your Expensive Podcast Equipment is Useless if Your Content Sucks

Starting a podcast? Don’t invest thousands of dollars in recording equipment just yet. Read this first!

Content quality vs production quality

Starting a podcast comes with a long checklist of items, from setting up your RSS feed, to creating an eye-catching thumbnail image. Many novice podcasters incorrectly assume that buying high-end recording equipment is the key to creating a successful podcast when ultimately, it’s the quality of episode content that makes or breaks a show. While investing in high-quality recording gear can certainly enhance the audio experience, the substance of your content will be what retains listeners for the long haul. No one tunes into a podcast to simply listen to crisp audio for hours on end. They listen for the content. 

What makes quality content?

Creating quality content is far more impactful than investing in the most expensive audio equipment out there. If you want to truly resonate with your audience, you need to have episode content that leaves a lasting impression time and time again. 

How exactly can you ensure that your content is up to par?

Quality content starts with being an authentic podcast host, which is a trait that will get you far in this industry. Not only does being authentic make you sound good, it builds a sense of credibility and genuine connection with your audience, making them feel as if they’re a part of the conversation rather than mere observers. That being said, many people struggle to find their authentic voice as novice hosts when coming face-to-face with the unseen audience and a microphone. 

Don’t be worried if it takes more than a few episodes before you settle into the role of podcast host. It can take a while to find your groove and to get comfortable with recording your voice. The same can be said for almost any popular podcaster today. Go back to the early days of a podcast and more likely than not, the first few episodes will be completely different from the newer content. Your show is bound to evolve as you evolve as a host – just remember to stay as authentic and consistent as possible along the way. 

Another aspect of creating quality podcast content is mastering the art of storytelling and narration. To achieve this, you need to plan ahead and actually take the time to research your content because listeners are quick to pick up on hosts who aren’t knowledgeable about their topic. Writing a script, or even an episode outline, ahead of time is a great way to ensure your content is factual, entertaining, and to the point. The goal here is to create evergreen content that excites your audience for the long haul since listeners return to their favorite podcasts based on the value of the content, not the quality of the audio. Creating episodes that offer lasting value ensures that your podcast remains relevant and continues to engage listeners for years to come. 

How to start a podcast without expensive equipment

Starting a podcast doesn’t have to break the bank. Here’s how to get started:

1: Plan your content

Like mentioned above, planning your episodes ahead of time is the ultimate hack for optimizing episode content and controlling your narrative.

2: Get basic equipment

When choosing a microphone, your best bet is to go with a dynamic, USB microphone. Dynamic mics are generally better for noisy environments and less sensitive to background noise, whereas condenser mics can capture more detail, and as such, can pick up on unwanted noises. We suggest going with USB simply because it's versatile and easy to use.

For actually creating the podcast, Audacity is an app that offers free software for both recording and editing audio.

TIP: Did you know you can record podcasts through Zoom? Check out this helpful guide to learn more! 

3: Set up your acoustics

The space you record in is an important factor in the quality of your audio. Always record in spaces with minimal noise so your mic doesn’t pick up on them. If you don’t have an optimal recording environment, make one! It’s as simple as hanging blankets on the wall and doing what you can to reduce echo. Click here for more ideas on creating your own studio at home.

4: Give it a try

Go on, give it a go! The best way to become a skilled podcaster is to start now. Through trial and error you can discover your strengths and weaknesses as a host. Do a few test runs and listen to the recordings to see how your environment and voice sound on the airwaves and make changes where necessary.

5: Edit and publish

The real podcast magic happens during the editing process. This is where anything less than ideal can be cut out of the audio to the point of perfection. Go ahead and remove those long pauses and disruptive coughs. Add some intro and outro music. 

When it’s time to publish your podcast, you’ll need a hosting service to distribute the content. Some free or low-cost options include Anchor, Podbean, and Buzzsprout.

Take a peek at our free podcast recording studios

Obviously, in order to start a podcast you need some sort of recording setup. If you’re still on the fence about purchasing recording equipment vs focusing on the quality of your content, you should check out one of our free recording studios! Since recording equipment can be super expensive, we decided to open up free, state-of-the-art studios to the public in northern Utah. Now you don’t have to choose one or the other. 

So, what are you waiting for? Skip the hassle of buying expensive equipment and record at one of our studios today! Happy podcasting!

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