Why Quality Podcast Content Matters and How to Make It

In my line of work, listening to a myriad of different podcasts is a part of the job and at this point, I’ve probably listened to more episodes than even your self-proclaimed podcast aficionado friend can claim.  

Something I’ve noticed in my many hours of listening to podcasts is there’s a stark difference between the good and the bad shows. The main difference? Quality in content. A good podcast consists of three things: quality content, consistency, and a relatable host. For now, let’s focus on ensuring your content is actually worth listening to.

How to make good content for your podcast

Why is having quality content in every episode so important? It establishes you as a voice of authority in your podcasting niche by lending credibility to your efforts. 

Behind every great podcast episode are hours of planning, research, scriptwriting, interview prep, and audio editing. These are the hours of preparation the audience doesn’t see, but perhaps subconsciously expects when tuning in because it’s easy for listeners to pick up on hosts who simply wing it or don’t know what they’re talking about. Hosts who don’t do the necessary research beforehand to become a voice of authority on that episode’s specific topic sound ill prepared and in some cases, unprofessional. 

Creating quality content starts with research. No matter what topic you choose, you’re going to have to do some research to ensure you get your facts straight. A host who gets important details like names or dates wrong won’t be taken as seriously as someone who actually takes the time to learn about their topic and to relay information accurately. This works to establish your voice as one of credibility, and when listeners perceive your podcast as a reliable source of information, they’re more likely to trust your expertise and seek out your content regularly. 

The next step is to stay consistent. Consistency is key to podcast growth. By consistency, we mean continuing to post on time, producing quality content, interacting with your listeners, and ensuring audio sounds good for each and every episode. Once you deliver high-quality content, your audience will expect high-quality content forever after. On top of that, once you produce an episode you’re proud of, one with excellent content and flow that fits your persona, realize you can replicate that level of quality again and again. You did it once, what’s to stop you from doing it again? Keep that level as your standard and you will make terrific content moving forward. 

Tips to never run out of content ideas

A major concern many podcasters eventually run into is running out of podcast episode ideas. You know that feeling you get when a tv show has absolutely exhausted a character’s storyline and you can tell the writers are getting tired? The same can be said for a host who doesn’t know where to steer the content ship. Let’s avoid that feeling and scenario altogether with the help of some strategic planning and a little creativity.

The first step into tapping into infinite content ideas is to understand your audience. Start by understanding your listener’s interests, preferences, and pain points. Regularly engage with them through social media, conducting surveys, and acknowledging reviews and comments. Your audience is a great resource for future content ideas. 

Next, don’t skip on creating evergreen content (ideas that stand the test of time). Topics that remain relevant over the coming months or even years, can be revisited frequently, added to, and repurposed time and time again. The best part about evergreen content is it’s always open for fresh perspectives and new insights when new discoveries occur or narratives shift. 

Something we do with clients is to create a list of topics worth exploring related to each podcast’s niche. We do this by conducting thorough research online and social media to see what topics are being talked about and what questions have yet to be answered. From there, we create a list of related subtopics to further explore. Since the online environment is constantly evolving, creating a content list with new ideas is something you can do multiple times a year that offers a wealth of content generation. 

Drawing inspiration from personal experiences is another great source for content. Share personal stories, challenges, or lessons learned that relate to your podcast’s theme. Authentic storytelling not only adds a human element to your content but also provides valuable insights and relatable experiences for your audience. 

Lastly, as simple as it sounds, brainstorm regularly. Set aside dedicated time for brainstorming sessions to generate new content ideas. Keep a running list of potential topics, questions, and episode concepts that you can refer to whenever inspiration hits. Some have a note in their phone with a list of topics they can continuously add to, others prefer to keep a small notebook close by to jot down their ideas. 

What separates your content from the competition?

Something all podcast hosts need to realize is that listeners aren’t a guarantee simply because you post episodes. Listeners are usually the result of having quality content, staying consistent, and promoting your show through social media. 

Why should people listen to your podcast instead of the many other similar podcasts within the same category? Asking yourself this question as a podcaster is crucial because it helps to identify your unique value proposition and differentiate your podcast in a crowded market. By understanding what makes your show unique, you can further differentiate it from others and attract listeners who are seeking something fresh and valuable. This is part of the loyal audience building process - honing in on what attracts them to your show in the first place. 

Additionally, understanding your podcast’s unique differentiators only contributes to your overall brand identity. Think about what sets you as a host apart from the rest. Do other hosts have as much experience in your category as you do (like a retired cop who does a true crime podcast, or a banker who does a finance podcast)? Do other hosts present information like you do? Do you have a better understanding of the topics? Do you interact with your audience on air by shouting out their comments or covering topics they request? While these might seem like insignificant differentiators, they can have the biggest impact over time.

Final thoughts

Having quality content is one of the best things you can do to grow your podcast and to establish your show as an authority in your niche. Remember to stay consistent and most of all, putting in the work is worth it in the long run. Happy podcasting!