Give Me a Reason to Listen to Your Podcast

Don’t just tell me to listen to your podcast, give me a reason to listen to your podcast. And while we’re at it, if you don’t give me a reason to care about your silly little event, I likely won’t show up. Look, it’s nothing personal - I just want you to give me a good reason to care. 

If you want to truly make it in this life, you need to learn the art of earning other’s time.

Time is a gift

In today’s fast-paced world where time is a precious commodity and that seemingly never-ending-to-do list never gets done, asking someone to check out your podcast is a tall order. With countless items and activities vying for attention, it’s rare that we get a moment to relax without a lit phone screen graciously interrupting the zen. So, if you’re asking someone to invest their time into your podcast by listening to an episode, you better have a good reason for them to care!

Let’s face it: as a podcast host, listenership doesn’t come immediately after you publish your first episode. Loyal listeners are even more difficult to come by. It’s not something you can demand or expect simply because you launch a podcast or post about your show on social media. Loyal listenership is something you earn by being a good podcaster. 

How do you become a good podcaster? Consistency. This is paramount to building a loyal audience. Being consistent in the podcast world means not only posting on a consistent schedule so your audience knows when to expect a new episode, but it also means being consistent with topics, content, and audio quality. If you’re looking for some audio tips, check out our recent post!

How do you attract listeners? You have to do more than catch their attention. You have to produce quality content, generate genuine engagement, and be a consistent host listeners can depend on for their dose of audio entertainment. 

Focus on your strengths and personalize your message

So, why should anyone bother to listen to your podcast? That’s the question you need to be asking yourself as a host, followed up with: what sets you apart from the other podcasts in the same category? 

Most people aren’t celebrities who can tell their millions of followers to “tune in to my new podcast!” and have a successful launch right off the bat. For the rest of us, starting a podcast takes a lot of work and dedication to make quality content and build a personal brand from scratch. Whether you’re sharing personal stories, interviewing guests, or teaching something new, the key is to provide value to your listeners that’s so good, they won’t go anywhere else. 

If you’re asking someone to listen to your podcast, realize you’re asking them to take time out of their day to actively listen to you. Don’t get me wrong, it’s totally fine to ask your friends and family to listen, but don’t be surprised if they say they will and never do. It’s likely not intentional. In most cases, people are exhausted by the end of the day and prioritize other mindless forms of relaxation or they simply forget. In the grand scheme of things, everyone’s time is valuable and we all have our own priorities. That being said, if someone tells you that they listened to your podcast, make sure to tell them thank you. 

So, if you ask someone to listen to your podcast, instead of expecting them to listen without hesitation, give them one solid reason as to why your podcast is something they will enjoy. Are they a true crime fan? Perfect. Your show is all about true crime and it’s different from the others because you speak only about unsolved cases on the West Coast. Are they interested in learning programming? Perfect. Your podcast teaches step-by-step instructions for learning coding languages and has an attached course they can complete online. It’s all about knowing your target audience and personalizing your message. 

The art of earning other’s time

Now that we’ve covered respecting time and staying consistent as a host, the final step is reciprocity. When someone chooses to invest their time in your podcast, it’s so important that you show some gratitude. Deliver on your promises and expectations. Show appreciation for their support by actively engaging on social media, audibly thanking your listeners during episodes, asking for feedback, and incorporating their input into future content. Doing so will build a sense of community and mutual respect with your listeners and help to build a loyal fanbase. 

The next time you ask someone to listen to your podcast, don’t just ask them to listen, give them a good reason to listen. Approach the subject with humility, don’t take disinterest personally, and market your podcast’s strengths to the nines!