Stop Trying to Be Joe Rogan | Finding Your Unique Voice

Originality thrives in the world of podcasting. Copying podcast giants like Joe Rogan won’t get you anywhere. Here’s how to find your own unique voice:

Why authenticity reigns supreme in podcasting

You’re probably sick of people spewing the age-old phrase, “Just be your authentic self!” Surely their intentions are good; however, as someone looking for realistic advice, this just doesn’t make the cut. It comes off as slightly snooty, doesn’t it? 

Afterall, recording your first few podcast episodes and knowing people will listen to your voice can be nerve wracking, which makes ‘being your authentic self’ difficult when there’s an invisible crowd.

Becoming a top-tier podcast host takes more than simply buying good equipment or creating listenable content. If you want to be memorable and stand out in the sea of imitators, you have to be authentic.

Each person (yes, including you) has a distinct personality, perspective, and set of experiences that shape their voice. By using these unique qualities to your advantage, not only will you become memorable, your podcast will also cultivate a genuine connection with listeners as you lean into your niche.

Finding your unique voice is easier than you might think. When we say this, we don’t mean altering your natural speaking voice (unless of course, you do have a uniquely and instantly recognizable speaking voice like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Christopher Walken). If your voice is naturally unique, more power to you! Don’t be afraid to use it and become recognizable. 

Your unique voice encompasses how you communicate, the topics you explore, the tone you set, and the overall vibe of your podcast. You find this by discovering and embracing the aspects of your personality, style, and perspective that set you apart from others in the podcasting world. It should also reflect who you are as a person, including your quirks, interests, passions, and expertise. 

When it comes to actually speaking on a podcast, practice makes perfect. Unless you’re a seasoned public speaker or have been on other podcasts before, it usually takes a few episodes worth of recording to find your footing and confidence as a podcast host. That’s why having a team of podcast pros to coach you through the process is extremely helpful for newbie hosts. Check out our helpful audio guide for tips to get a solid recording. 

What imitators lack

Imitators are rampant in the podcast industry, copying the pros left and right, hoping that something sticks. There are many problems with this method, mainly because the “anything goes” mentality for podcast formatting lacks originality, and listeners crave original content. On top of that, who wants to listen to a show that lacks any genuine personality or style in the first place?

Hosts who simply mimic what the top podcasters do often lack a passion for their topic because they’re so focused on copying the styles of other hosts that they leave little to no room for originality. 

Imagine listening to a podcast, only to realize the host sounds and acts like many of the other top podcasters. Your first thought is probably, “Great. Yet another Rogan.” The moment listeners pick up on copy/paste podcast formats, they lose interest and you lose out on potential listeners. While it's natural to admire successful podcasters and seek to emulate their styles and techniques, directly copying them weakens your authority and confidence as a host. Listeners are quick to pick up on speakers who are clearly following the trends, rather than being their own unique voice. 

Long live original content

Regardless of your podcast’s category or theme, it will have competition. Consider the true crime podcast category. According to Podchaser, there are more than 23,000 podcasts listed under true crime. With that much competition, it’s essential that hosts make an effort stand out from the rest. Just how do you stand out? Be original.

From a listener’s perspective, original content is refreshing and addictive for several reasons. First, it offers a break from the monotony of repetitive topics and formats recycled within the world of podcasting. Humans seek novelty, so it’s safe to assume that by nature, podcast listeners are always on the hunt for fresh perspectives and new ideas. It’s your job as a host to understand what that is for your ideal audience. 

Additionally, original content allows hosts to explore niche topics or offer unique insights that may not be readily available elsewhere. This diversity of content is what makes podcasts one of the most sought after forms of entertainment today. Whether it's a deep dive into a lesser-known subject or a fresh take on a familiar topic, original content keeps listeners engaged and eager to tune in.

Lastly, original content pushes the boundaries of topic exploration within the podcast community. When hosts seek the lesser-covered topics, it inspires others to do the same, further fueling the creativity and information abundance in their niche.

Are you an imitator or an original creator?

While the phrase "Just be your authentic self" may seem cliché and daunting at first, its essence rings true: your uniqueness is your strength. It's not about altering your voice or conforming to a mold; it's about embracing your individuality and infusing it into every aspect of your podcast brand. By tapping into the unique aspects of your personality, perspective, and passions, you not only create memorable content but also create genuine connections with your audience.

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